Emergency Procedures

Below are procedures to follow in an emergency situation.


  1. If you discover a fire, set off the nearest fire alarm, notify others in the building where the fire is and its nature, then leave the building. If the fire is between you and the door, do not attempt to pass it; try to get out of the building another way, setting off the fire alarm as you leave if possible.
    If time and conditions permit, call Security at 607-871-2108. Then call the Alfred Fire Department 911 with the following information: Building name; floor or room, if known; description of fire, if known; your name. Do not hang up until told to do so by the emergency operator.
  2. Exit immediately. Do not go back for ANY reason.
  3. Direct others to wait outside and away from the building. Stay in a group. Security will assist you when they arrive.

Medical Emergency

  1. If you discover a medical emergency and there is no one else around, report the emergency to Alfred Ambulance at 911, then return to the patient.
  2. If there are two of you working, get as much information as you can. If the patient is suffering from severe bleeding, head injury, chest pain, difficult breathing, or unconsciousness call 911, provide the following information: Building name; floor or room, if known; description of illness or injury, if known; your name. Do not hang up until told to do so by the emergency operator.


If a patron is causing a disturbance but does not appear to threaten violence, do not get involved in any argument. Politely ask the patron to quiet down or leave. If this does not work, call Security at 607-871-2108. If the person appears to be a threat to you or others or if you observe someone in the act of committing a crime, do NOT attempt to confront or apprehend them! Try to take note of the person’s appearance so that you can give an accurate physical description. Call Alfred Police immediately at 911. Be ready to give them your location; the nature of the problem; and your name. Do not hang up until told to do so by the emergency operator.