Bernstein Funds for Student and Faculty Development

Thanks to the generosity of the Bernstein Family, we can often aid in funding student and faculty travel for academic projects.

Program Guidelines

  • Requests will be accepted on a rolling basis but must be submitted at least three weeks in advance of the event.
  • Those requesting funds must identify supplemental sources of funding. Requests may only partially be funded. Funding is limited to one proposal per year. Please use the latest Bernstein Funds Application when submitting requests.
  • Those receiving funds are expected to send thank you notes to the Bernsteins, addressed to The Bernstein Family.
  • All applications must include a Travel Advance Authorization Report.
  • Incomplete applications will be returned.

Funding Priority Order

  1. Student travel with a faculty member to present at an academic event
  2. Student travel to present at an academic event
  3. Student travel with faculty as part of a course
  4. Faculty travel to present at an academic event
  5. Student or faculty travel to attend an academic event

Need More Information?

Please contact Crystal Henshaw if you need more information. Please be aware that funding is not guaranteed. Requests often exceed available funding.