Undergraduate Research Forum

The Undergraduate Research Forum (URF) provides all Alfred University undergraduate students with an opportunity to showcase their scholarship and creative activity. Held each spring, the URF brings together an intellectual community of highly motivated students to share their work with faculty, staff, peers, and external audiences. The URF provides a unique educational opportunity for aspiring researchers. AU undergraduates gain experience in presenting their research and answer questions about their work from audience members and guests.

All stages of research and creative scholarship are welcomed -- from preliminary to capstone projects and everywhere in between! Research and creative activity conducted during courses, internship, Education Abroad, or community-based participatory research are also accepted. Work conducted during any semester (fall, spring, and summer) may be submitted for presentation at URF. Research is a process. Share with the university community where you are in that process when you present at the URF.

Students will have the opportunity to present their work in the form of a poster presentation at the forum. All currently enrolled Alfred University undergraduate students who are engaged in original work are eligible to participate. Those that received an undergraduate degree in the December immediately prior to URF are also eligible to participate.

2024 Undergraduate Research Forum
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Joyce & Walton Wellness Center - McLane Annex
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

For more information on AU's Undergraduate Research Forum, please contact Shannon Yocum.

An abstract is a short summary of the project and should reflect the professional format normally associated with scholarly work in the discipline. It offers a brief synopsis of the purpose and primary ideas of the project. Different disciplines call for slightly different approaches to abstracts. For example, an abstract in the arts may be written as an artist’s statement. An abstract of social science or scientific work may contain the background, purpose, results, and contents of the work. In human studies, abstracts typically contain a thesis, background, and conclusion.
The abstract provides a snapshot that captures a reader's attention and--although it can stand alone as a representation of the project--invites readers to learn more by viewing your poster.

If you have any questions on where to start, what are the guideline for writing an abstract, and are there examples, please refer to the URF Abstract Guidelines and Examples handout here: URF Abstract Guidelines and Examples

Guidelines to Submit an Abstract/Artist Statement

  • Abstracts or statements must be submitted electronically by filling out the submission form after obtaining the approval of your faculty sponsor.
  • Only the primary presenter should submit an abstract. Abstracts will not be accepted from advisors.
  • Please use Times New Roman 12 pt. font.
  • Abstract should be no more than 250 words (including title, etc.).
  • Title of the work must be in capitals.
  • First name, middle initial and last name of the presenters.

All completed abstract submission forms are electronically due by 5:00 PM on April 9, 2024.

Research posters represent a common method for presenting scholarly work at conferences and  forums. They often combine visual and textual content, such as tables, graphs, images and citations, to convey information succinctly and engagingly with participants.

You may use PowerPoint (to create a single slide) to create your poster. Instructions can be found at Poster Making in PowerPoint.

Guidelines for Printing a Poster

Student posters can be printed on campus by scheduling a printing time during the week before the event.

Printing for CLAS, COB, & SOAD students

  • Schedule a printing appointment here: URF 2024 Poster Printing via Bookings
  • Posters should be saved as a PPT or PDF and should not exceed the dimension of  36" x 48".
  • Recommended font size is 28 or greater
  •  Fill out the Poster Printing Information Form available here:URF-PPI Form 2024
  • The poster printing information (PPI) for contains more information about the poster printing: acceptable dimensions, paper type, and payment options. This needs to be completed and sent with your poster to Nicole Munkwitz BEFORE arriving at your scheduled printing time.

Printing from the School of Engineering