Procurement Policy

For Day-to-day purchases of supplies and equipment, the first choice for purchasing should be The Saxon Shop. Requisitions generated there will follow an approval process based on the FOAP and value of the order. 

  • Fund/Org budget managers are the first approvers in the process….or their designee(s). 
  • The Office of Sponsored Programs approves requisitions as required based on the FOAP. 
  • The Procurement Office approves purchases for most vendors ≥$250. We have broken the approvals down in the office as follows: 
    • Procurement Support Assistant approves up to $500.00 
    • Procurement Associate approves up to $5,000.00 
    • Director of Procurement approves >$5,000.00 
    • EXCEPTIONS – Procurement approves ALL requisitions for Amazon and Staples 
  • The Deputy CFO approves all purchases that are ≥$20,000. 

There are also some additional approvals required based on the products being purchased, or per Divisional policy. 

  • Contracted Printing (Account 7161) purchases >$1,000 must be approved by the Marketing and Communications Department as per the University’s Contracted Printing Policy. 
  • Furniture and equipment (Account 7703) purchases >$5,000 must be approved by the Director of Facilities. This is so that their team has an understanding of what is coming to campus and can confirm that equipment will work with existing infrastructure. For additional information, see the Alfred University Furniture Purchase Policy. 
  • Computers and related equipment (Account 7707) must be reviewed and approved by ITS, per the University’s Computer and Printer Purchasing Policy. 
  • Some divisions may add additional approval requirements based on their unique needs, and that can be coordinated through The Saxon Shop Administrators, Melissa Badeau and Jason Warner. 

If the vendor is not in The Saxon Shop, please request to add them through the Requesting a Supplier process as outlined in the Learning Center in The Saxon Shop. The Procurement Team will review all supplier requests and determine if the supplier is a good fit for The Saxon Shop. *See below if the vendor requires credit card payment. 

Purchase orders are the preferred method of ordering for the University when spending $250 or more. For purchases less than $250, direct billing is allowed. However, if the vendor accepts purchase orders through The Saxon Shop, then that is the path that should be followed, regardless of value. 

Further details about The Saxon Shop can be found here: The Saxon Shop.

Credit Card Purchases 

Some vendors will not accept purchase orders, and only accept payment via credit card. In these cases, the following thresholds apply: 

  • AU credit card Purchases <$250 shall be managed by the Divisional Administrative Assistant or Secretary. 
  • AU credit card Purchases ≥$250 shall be managed through the Procurement Office. The requisitioner is required to provide a completed requisition form with all required approvals to [email protected].
  • Administrative Assistants can use their University credit card for the purchases described above and for travel-related expenses. Other University credit card holders are to only use their credit cards for travel related expenses. The divisional cards that are located in some divisional offices are to be used for travel-related expenses only. 

Local Store Credit Cards  

The Procurement Office in Greene Hall has several store credit cards that can be signed out for departmental use. The store cards available are Wal- Mart, Wegmans, and Lowe’s. Here are some guidelines regarding these cards: 

  • We recommend that you call the office (x2698) to verify availability before coming to the office to sign out a card. 
  • The request is that the cards be returned the next business day, but we require that they be returned in no more than two business days. 
  • You will be asked for a FOAP and a business purpose when you pick up the cards. 
  • You will also be required to turn in the receipts to the Procurement office when you return the cards. 
  • The Procurement staff will explain the process for making sure your purchases are made tax exempt. If you return receipts with tax on them, you will be asked to go back to the store and get the tax refunded. 

Bidding Requirements 

The following purchasing situations would require a bid process (Request for Proposal, Invitation for Bid, etc…) through the Procurement Office. 

  • Furniture purchases estimated to be $25,000 or more, as stated in the Furniture Purchase Policy. 
  • Equipment purchases estimated to be $50,000 or more. The only exception would be if there is a grant paying for the equipment, and the specific piece of equipment was listed as a part of the grant. 

Further Information regarding the bidding process can be found here: Bids and Proposals.

SUNY Funded Purchases 

When utilizing SUNY funding, purchases must be made through the Procurement Department. The University’s fillable requisition form with all relevant approvals is required for purchases. They will then process the order as required per New York State Finance Law. 

  • Per SUNY guidelines, construction projects >$20,000 and all other purchases >$50K require a bid process. Please contact the Procurement Department and they will assist you.