Part I Scope, Application, and Compliance

1.1 Scope

The OSHA Lab Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1450, "Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories" mandates a Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) be developed to protect employees engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals. OSHA describes "a CHP as a written program developed and implemented by the employer which sets forth procedures, equipment, personal protective equipment and work practices that are capable of protecting employees from health hazards presented by hazardous chemicals used in that particular workplace and assuring exposures to OSHA regulated substances do not exceed the permissible exposure limits specified in 29 CFR part 1910, subpart Z."

Alfred University (AU) has written this document, consisting of Part I Scope, Application, and Compliance Part II General Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Appendices, to serve as the AU institutional CHP. Applicable to all AU laboratories, it provides information, policies, practices, and procedures to ensure the safety of laboratory employees engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals. This AU institutional CHP must be supplemented with laboratory specific SOPs and laboratory specific training to meet the requirements of the OSHA Lab Standard. This supplemented document then constitutes the CHP for a laboratory, department or division within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering and the New York State College of Ceramics.

All laboratory faculty and staff are responsible for complying with the standards put forth in this document with the common goal of promoting a healthy and safe working environment for both employees and students. Prior to the commencement of laboratory duties, all employees must read the CHP and follow all policies and procedures as specified. Employees sign the Employees Annual Site-Specific CHP Review Form, Appendix E. The form is inserted into the lab/division CHP employees review CHP and sign form annually. Failure to review and sign the form does not absolve the employee from the legal responsibilities or requirements of the OSHA Lab Standard or Alfred University CHP. Students who get paid for working in a lab are AU employees and are, therefore, subject to the requirements of the OSHA Lab Standard and the CHP. Other employees (such as office, custodial, maintenance and repair personnel) who regularly spend a significant amount of their time within a laboratory environment as part of their duties also may fall under the requirements of the OSHA Lab Standard.

The CHP must be readily available to employees, employee representatives and, upon request, to the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. Division of Labor, or their designee. The institutional CHP portal is located online at the EH&S Website. Hard copies of the CHP containing lab specific SOPs must be located within each Division/Department or laboratory. Electronic versions of lab specific SOPs are preferred to allow for laboratory specific SOPs to be posted on the EH&S webpage. A list of EH&S acronyms used in this document is also available on the EH&S Website.

The CHP contains external document links and internal document links and bookmarks. External links connect to resources or information outside the CHP document through your default web browser. Internal links and bookmarks connect to sections within the CHP document. Move around the document by utilizing and customizing the Navigation Panels and Toolbar selections available in the View option of the Adobe Acrobat Reader menu bar. If you discover a broken web link, please email EH&S and indicate the section, page number and the name of the link. Contact EH&S with questions or suggestions to improve this document.

EH&S is responsible for maintaining the AU institutional CHP. The EH&S Coordinator is the Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) and has the overall responsibility for implementation and interpretation of the CHP. The CHP is considered a living document the Chemical Hygiene Committee (CHC) shall annually review and evaluate the effectiveness of the CHP and update it as necessary. Laboratory Supervisors, Faculty and Principle Investigators (LSF/PI) will develop laboratory specific SOPs for the lab/department CHP update as required.

In addition to the CHC, other committees have authority to regulate certain aspects of work in laboratories. This document does not preempt any of the regulations issued by other committees (e.g. Radiation Safety, Institutional Biosafety, Animal Care and Use, Human Subjects). In cases where the jurisdictions of two committees overlap, the more stringent regulation will apply.

1.2 Application

The AU CHP applies only to laboratories. It is applicable to all laboratories that utilize hazardous chemicals, regardless of the area of research or laboratory activity. Science and engineering laboratories are examples of workplaces where the CHP is applicable.

OSHA defines 'laboratory' as a "facility where the 'laboratory use of hazardous chemicals' occurs. It is a workplace where relatively small quantities of hazardous chemicals are used on a non-production basis".

OSHA defines 'laboratory' use of hazardous chemicals as "handling or use of such chemicals in which all of the following conditions are met

  • Chemical manipulations are carried out on a 'laboratory scale' (excludes those workplaces whose function is to produce commercial quantities of materials)
  • Multiple chemical procedures or chemicals are used
  • The procedures involved are not part of a production process, nor in any way simulate a production process and
  • Protective laboratory practices and equipment are available and in the common use to minimize the potential for employee exposure to hazardous chemicals."

OSHA defines a 'hazardous chemical' as a "chemical for which there is statistically significant evidence based on at least one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed employees. The term 'health hazard' includes chemicals that are carcinogens, toxic or highly toxic agents, reproductive toxins, irritants, corrosives, sensitizers, hepatotoxins, nephrotoxins, neurotoxin, agents that act on the hematopoietic systems, and agents which damage the lungs, skin, eyes, or mucous membranes."

Non-laboratory workplaces, such as painting studios, printing shops, work or maintenance shops, that use or store hazardous chemicals shall comply with 29 CFR part 1910.1200, (Hazardous Communication Standard). AU HazCom Plan is located on the EH&S Website.

1.3 Compliance

1.3.1 Requirements

The Lab Standard requires that a CHP shall include each of the following elements and shall indicate specific measures that the employer will take to ensure laboratory employee protection:

  1. Standard operating procedures relevant to safety and health considerations to be followed when laboratory work involves the use of hazardous chemicals
  2. Criteria that the employer will use to determine and implement control measures to reduce employee exposure to hazardous chemicals including engineering controls, the use of personal protective equipment. Hygiene practices particular attention shall be given to the selection of control measures for chemicals that are known to be extremely hazardous the requirement that fume hoods and other protective equipment are functioning properly and specific measures that shall be taken to ensure proper and adequate performance of such equipment
  3. Provisions for employee information and training
  4. Circumstances under which a particular laboratory operation, procedure or activity shall require prior approval before implementation
  5. Provisions for medical consultation and medical exams
  6. Designation of responsibility for the implementation for the CHP, assignment of a CHO, and establishment of a CHC
  7. Provisions for additional employee protection for work with particularly hazardous substances. These include "select carcinogens," reproductive toxins and substances that have a high degree of acute toxicity. Specific consideration shall be given to the following provisions which shall be included where appropriate: establishment of a designated area, use of containment devices such as fume hoods or glove boxes, procedures for safe removal of contaminated waste, and decontamination procedures.

The Lab Standard also requires the University to set forth procedures for the following:

  • Exposure monitoring,
  • Hazard identification with respect to labels and safety data sheets,
  • Provisions that shall apply to chemical substances developed in the laboratory,
  • Use of respirators,
  • Record keeping,
  • Emergency response

1.3.2 AU Compliance Policies Standard Operating Procedures

The OSHA Lab Standard mandates: "Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) relevant to safety and health considerations be followed when laboratory work involves the use of hazardous chemicals (29 CFR 1910.1459(e)(3) (i)) and site-specific SOPs must be developed if lab operations include the routine use of 'select carcinogens,' reproductive toxins [or] substances which have a high degree of acute toxicity (29 CFR 1910.1459(e)(3) (viii))".

The AU CHP includes a "General SOP" that specifies general health and safety policies and procedures for using hazardous chemicals to which all laboratories must adhere.

It is the responsibility of each division or program chair or LSF/PI to establish "site-specific SOPs" relevant to the hazardous operations and use of hazardous chemicals in their laboratory including equipment/process emergency shutdown and laboratory evacuation procedures. Each site-specific SOP must be written as presented in Part II Standard Operating Procedures using Appendix W and added to this document. Controls To Reduce Employee Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals

Alfred University will ensure that engineering control systems and other protective equipment and practices are in place and functional and meet the requirements for procedures performed. Follow procedures in Part II Control Measures.

Repair and maintenance of engineering control systems in both private and public buildings is the responsibility of the respective Physical Plant and NYSCC Maintenance Facilities. Any observed malfunction should be reported immediately. Post "do not use" signs on the malfunctioning unit. See Appendix B for building list and phone numbers. Employee Information And Training

All individuals who work in laboratories must be apprised of the hazards of the chemicals present in their work area. The information and training as outlined below must be provided at the time of an employee's initial assignment and prior to assignments involving new exposure situations. All training records must be retained labs/departments/divisions should maintain a notebook or file for site-specific training records and manage forms as instructed in this CHP. The training program for laboratory workers consists of three parts:

  1. OSHA Lab Standard training - conducted or coordinated by EH&S on an annual basis
  2. Site-specific training - provided by the LSF/PI
  3. Other types of training - conducted or coordinated by the LSF/PI or EH&S OSHA Lab Standard Training

Provides a brief overview of the necessary mechanisms used to reduce employee exposure to harmful chemicals in the laboratory. Training must be renewed annually by the LSF/PI and include:

  • The applicable details of the employer's written Chemical Hygiene Plan
  • Methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical (such as monitoring conducted by the employer, continuous monitoring devices, visual appearance or odor of hazardous chemicals when being released, etc.)
  • The physical and health hazards of chemicals in the work area
  • The measures employees can take to protect themselves from these hazards, including specific procedures implemented to protect employees from exposure to hazardous chemicals, especially particularly hazardous substances (PHS), such as appropriate work practices, emergency procedures and personal protective equipment to be used
  • Informing employees of:
    • The contents of The OSHA Lab Standard and it's Appendix A and Appendix B
    • The location and availability of the Chemical Hygiene Plan
    • The Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) - OSHA regulated substances or recommended exposure limits for other hazardous chemicals where there is no applicable OSHA standard
    • Signs and symptoms associated with exposures to hazardous chemicals used in the laboratory and
    • The location and availability of known reference material on the hazards, safe handling, storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals found in the laboratory including, but not limited to, Safety Data Sheets. Reference list offered by OSHA Site-Specific Training

While 'general' laboratory safety procedures are presented in Part II of this document, any lab specific information and procedures must be clearly presented to the employees during site-specific training. The LSF/PI must ensure that all workers are trained to deal with the hazards found in his/her lab.

  • Training requirements can be met with the use of demonstrations, videos, single or group training sessions, handouts, etc., along with the opportunity for question/answer dialogue.
    Site-specific training must include:
    • Instruction in lab-specific Engineering Controls
    • Instruction in lab-specific Administrative Controls
    • Instruction in lab-specific:
      • Emergencies - chemical spill, fire, shutdown, evacuation, etc.
      • SOPs for hazardous chemicals and operations
      • Location and operation/use of PPE, showers, eyewashes, etc.
      • Location and use of CHP, SOPs, SDSs and other reference materials.
    • All training should be presented in a manner that the employee can understand. Each affected employee shall demonstrate an understanding of the training specified and the ability to perform the task properly before being allowed to do the work. Authorization to perform the task is given by the LSF/PI by completing Appendix G LSF/PI Site Specific Authorization Form for Laboratory Employees and attaching a copy of the form to the SOP.
    • When the LSF/PI has reason to believe that any affected employee who has already been trained does not have the understanding and skill required, the LSF/PI shall retrain that employee until understanding has been achieved. Other circumstances where retraining is required include, but are not limited to, situations where changes in the workplace render previous training obsolete and changes in the materials to be used render previous training obsolete.
    • Testing and Documentation Requirements
      • The LSF/PI shall verify that each affected employee has received and understood the required training through a written certification (test) that contains the name of the employee trained, the date(s) of training, and the subject of the certification.
      • Site-specific training must be documented with the training date, description of the information covered during the training session, the LSF/PI name and the name and signature of the employees attending the training session. See the Site-specific Training Form Appendix F. The employees shall sign the form at the end of the training session as they will be signing the statement "I, the undersigned, have participated in this safety training session and fully understand the information provided."
    • Record keeping requirements:
      • Retain training documentation records in the lab/department/Division training file
      • Send copies of the completed Site-specific Training Form to EH&S
      • Attach a copy of the signed Appendix G LSF/PI Site Specific Authorization Form for Laboratory Employees to the SOP. Other Types of Training

Other types of training provide instruction and information related to other health and physical hazards that may be encountered in the employees work area.

  • Examples of training that may be necessary include, but are not limited to:
    • Hazardous waste training is mandatory for anyone who will be generating hazardous waste
    • Radiation safety training is required for people working with radioactive materials
    • Laser safety training is required for people working with lasers
    • Biosafety and/or Bloodborne Pathogens training is required for people working with Biohazardous materials
    • SDS Online Administrative training is required for SDS Managers Operations, Procedures, Activities Requiring Prior Approval

In order to protect the health and safety of laboratory employees and ensure compliance of regulatory requirements and sponsored research requirements prior approval from EH&S, a specific campus committee, Administrator or support facility is required before certain operations, procedures or activities can take place or be implemented. The circumstances under which prior approval is required and the procedure for obtaining such approval are found in Part II, Prior Approval section Provisions for Medical Consultation and Exams

Employees have the right to obtain medical consultation under the circumstances listed below it is, therefore, essential that each employee inform his/her LSF/PI in every case involving a suspected chemical over-exposure. The LSF/PI will initiate the investigation procedure with EH&S.

  • Alfred University shall provide all employees who work with hazardous chemicals an opportunity to receive medical attention, including any follow-up examinations that the examining physician determines to be necessary, under the following circumstances:
    • Whenever an employee develops signs or symptoms, Appendix H, associated with a hazardous chemical to which the employee may have been exposed in the laboratory, the employee shall be provided an opportunity to receive an appropriate medical examination.
    • Where exposure monitoring reveals an exposure level routinely above the action level (or in the absence of an action level, the PEL) for an OSHA regulated substance for which there are exposure monitoring and medical surveillance requirements. Medical surveillance shall be established for the affected employee as prescribed by the particular standard.
    • Whenever an event takes place in the work area such as a spill, leak, explosion, or other occurrence resulting in the likelihood of a hazardous exposure, the affected employee shall be provided an opportunity for medical consultation. Such consultation shall be for the purpose of determining the need for a medical examination.
  • All medical examinations and consultations shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of a licensed physician and shall be provided without cost to the employee, without loss of pay and at a reasonable time and place during normal working hours.
  • AU will provide the following information to the physician:
    • The identity of the hazardous chemical(s) to which the employee may have been exposed, which may include the safety data sheet(s) for the hazardous chemical(s). A description of the conditions under which the exposure occurred including date and an approximate exposure time/duration, if available
    • A description of the signs and symptoms of the exposure that the employee is experiencing, if any
  • AU will obtain a written opinion, for required examinations or consultations, from the examining physician that shall include the following:
    • Any recommendation for further medical follow-up
    • The results of the medical examination and any associated tests
    • Any medical condition that may be revealed in the course of the examination that may place the employee at increased risk as a result of exposure to a hazardous workplace
    • A statement that the physician has informed the employee of the results of the consultation or medical examination and any medical condition that may require further examination or treatment.
  • The written opinion shall not reveal specific findings of diagnoses unrelated to occupational exposure. Chemical Hygiene Responsibilities

This section designates authority and responsibility for Chemical Hygiene on the campus of Alfred University. President of Alfred University

The President of Alfred University has the ultimate responsibility for chemical hygiene within the institution and, along with other officers and administrators, provides continuing support for efforts to improve laboratory safety and health. Vice President for Business and Finance

The VP for Business and Finance supervises the CHO and authorizes her/him to take the necessary steps to carry out the objectives of the CHP. Provost and Chief Operating Officer, Deans, Directors, and Chairpersons

The Provost and Chief Operating Officer, Deans, Directors, and Chairpersons are responsible for laboratory safety within the college, program or division.

The Provost and Chief Operating Officer, Deans, Directors, and Chairpersons responsibilities are:

  • Be familiar with and promote the objectives and requirements of the AU CHP to faculty, staff (part-time or temporary), student employees, visiting professors or volunteers working in laboratories.
  • Assist the CHO with implementation of the CHP
    • Direct laboratory personnel, including but not limited to LSF/PIs, faculty, Lab Technicians, regular and temporary employees, visiting professors, and student employees to obtain the training required by the CHP before working with hazardous chemicals or performing hazardous operations.
    • Ensure laboratory personnel adhere to the policies and procedures specified in the CHP
      • Site-specific SOPs are written and added to the AU institutional CHP
      • MSDS "Site Administrators" are appointed
    • Review, approve and submit Prior Approval Notification Form as necessary
    • Ascertain safety needs are met and ensure that proper safety equipment is available (e.g., engineering controls, personnel protective equipment).
    • Ensure compliance with applicable federal, state and local regulations
    • Ensure noncompliance issues identified in safety audits are promptly corrected
    • Encourage the employee participation in safety committees
    • Ensure laboratory emergency shutdown and evacuation procedures are established and conveyed to employees
    • Establish priorities, objectives, and targets for laboratory safety and health performance. Obtain assistance and guidance from EH&S when necessary.
    • Promote EH&S consultations and inspections to regularly check laboratory performance against regulatory requirements and identify opportunities for improvement.
    • Notify EH&S before a faculty member leaves AU to ensure proper laboratory clean out and management of chemicals. See policy for vacating laboratories.
    • Inform EH&S of plans for laboratory renovations or new laboratory construction projects Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)

The Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator is the Chemical Hygiene Officer. The Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) will exercise her/his authority in order to minimize the short and long-term dangers to laboratory employees, other workers, the community, and the environment.

  • The Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator/CHO:
    • Reports to the VP for Business and Finance
    • Coordinates and or conducts employee chemical health and safety trainings and associated activities
    • Has the authority to shut down or suspend operations that do not conform to health and safety practices required by this CHP
    • Provide assistance in hazard assessment and standard operating procedure design
    • Investigates cases of suspected over exposure or exposure due to accident
    • Acts as Chairperson of the CHC
    • Works with other members of the CHC to develop and implement appropriate chemical hygiene policies and practices
    • Ensures that Division Chair and/or LSF/PI is appropriately trained and follows the CHP (See Appendix E - Employee annual site-specific) Chemical Hygiene Committee

The CHC is composed of the CHO, faculty and technicians from Divisions in which laboratory work involves the use of hazardous chemicals. See Appendix A for a contact list of members.

  • Duties of the CHC:
    • Annual review and revision of the CHP, EH&S will provide updates as needed
    • Ensure that each laboratory/Division has a complete CHP that is readily accessible to all employees
    • Communicate to the Division or Program Chair, or LSF/PI, any relevant safety information or concerns pertaining to his/her Division or Program Laboratory Supervisors, Faculty and Principal Investigators

Laboratory Supervisors, Faculty, and Principal Investigators (LSF/PI) have the front-line responsibility for ensuring that all work taking place in their teaching or research laboratories is done in a safe and healthy manner and in full compliance with this CHP. The duties of the LSF/PI include the following:

  • Read CHP and applicable SOPs and MSDSs, review annually
  • Define
    • all hazardous operations, alert employees to the hazards, and establish safe procedures for these operations by selecting suitable engineering controls and personal protective equipment complete the Hazard Assessment Form Appendix I
    • the location of "designated work areas" where " particularly hazardous substances" (PHS) will be used
  • Develop
    • Site-specific standard operating procedures (SOPs) Appendix W for hazardous chemicals used and operations performed in each laboratory, review and update as needed
      • laboratory security policies/procedures and emergency procedures for shutdown of operations and evacuation of personnel must be included in site-specific SOPs
    • The laboratory or department CHP by adding the site-specific SOPs to the AU institutional CHP
  • Obtain ' Prior Approval' as required
  • Ensure
    • The laboratory/department CHP and any other relevant safety information is available to and read by all laboratory workers
    • All laboratory employees who work with hazardous chemicals and/or perform hazardous operations are provided with laboratory information and training, initial and annual refresher, including training on site-specific SOPs and training when employee's duties change
      • Site-specific Training Form Appendix H is completed, and a copy is sent to EH&S
      • Appendix G LSF/PI Site-Specific Authorization Form for Laboratory Employees is completed and attached to SOP
      • Completed, read, and sign the appropriate lab safety agreement
    • All notifications, forms, reports and records are managed as specified in this CHP
    • File work orders with respective physical plant for any laboratory repairs or maintenance issues
    • All employees utilize protective equipment necessary for the safe performance of their jobs
    • Proper management of chemical inventory
    • Develop an SOP for procurement of chemicals to include
      • Circumstances requiring prior approval
      • Chemical hazard reduction, quantity/volume reduction
      • Eliminate or minimize use of Priority Chemicals, see Chemical Priority Lists
      • Review of AU campus SDSonline database prior to purchasing chemicals in order to locate desired chemical already available on campus, request use of said available chemical and always obtain permission from owner before using/taking any chemicals
    • Submit annual updated chemical inventory to EH&S by June 15
    • Manage peroxide forming chemicals according to safe storage time limits appendix-J
    • Maintenance of SDS electronic file with ongoing MSDS updates for chemicals used in the lab
    • Appoint a "SDS Manager" for the SDS Online database
  • Supervise
  • Investigate all accidents that occur in his/her laboratory and take corrective measures to prevent reoccurrence
  • Proper accumulation, satellite accumulation area inspection, storage and disposal of unwanted and/or hazardous chemicals and waste from his/her laboratory;
  • Monitoring of fume hoods, Appendix P
    • Report all accidents immediately to HR 607-871-2118
    • Complete the AU Accident Report and send it to HR, within 24 hours. Retain a copy
    • Report a work related life threatening accident or death immediately to EH&S 607-871-2190 Laboratory Employees

Laboratory employees are those who, in the course of their work, are present in the laboratory and are at risk of possible chemical exposure on a regular or periodic basis. These personnel include faculty, laboratory technicians, instructors, researchers, visiting researchers, teaching assistants, graduate assistants, student aides, and part-time and temporary employees.

Responsibilities of laboratory employees:

  • Read CHP and applicable SOPs and SDSs, review annually
  • Follow all rules, health and safety standards and perform work in accordance with the CHP and applicable SOP's for the laboratory in which he or she works
  • Report all hazardous conditions or problems related to their laboratory to the LSF/PI, or the CHO if the LSF/PI is unavailable
  • Report any suspected job-related injuries or illnesses to the LSF/PI and seek treatment immediately
  • Obtain the proper training and authorization required for the work you will be performing. Do not perform any hazardous duties nor operate any equipment or instrumentation without proper instruction and authorization from LSF/PI (Site-Specific Authorization Form for Laboratory Employees)
  • Inform the LSF/PI of any substantive changes in protocol, or the introduction of new chemicals to a procedure Procedures and Precautions for Working with Particularly Hazardous Substances (P-Listed)

The Lab Standard requires that special consideration be given to provisions for additional protection for employees who work with particularly hazardous substances (PHS). These substances include "select carcinogens", reproductive toxins and substances which have a high degree of acute toxicity. Definitions and procedures for use of these substances are detailed in Part II Particularly Hazardous Substances. Exposure Monitoring

Employee exposure determination shall be done in accordance with paragraph (d) of the 29 CFR 1910.1450 of the OSHA Lab Standard.

  • Initial monitoring will be performed if there is reason to believe that exposure levels for a substance routinely exceed the action level or in the absence of an action level, the permissible exposure limit (PEL).
  • If the initial monitoring performed discloses the employee was over-exposed, AU shall immediately comply with the exposure monitoring provisions of the relevant standard.
  • Within 15 working days after the receipt of any monitoring results, the employee will be notified of these results in either writing individually or by posting results in an appropriate location that is accessible to employees.
  • Monitoring may be terminated when exposure levels have been mitigated
  • Anyone with reason to believe that exposure levels for a substance routinely exceeds the PEL may request an investigation by your LSF/PI with additional support from EH&S. Hazard Identification with Respect to Labels and Safety Data Sheets

  • Labels
    • Ensure that labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals are not removed or defaced
    • See Labeling procedures
  • Safety Data Sheets
    • SDSs are centrally maintained and managed on the World Wide Web by AU EH&S along with a network of campus 'SDS Managers' using the private vendor software of SDSOnline, Inc, 350 North Orleans, St. 950, Chicago, IL 60654. This vendor updates our SDSs to the most current available from the chemical manufacturer.
    • SDSs of new hazardous chemicals are immediately added to the AU SDS Online Program database by 'SDS Managers'. 'SDS Managers' are appointed by LSF/PI or Chairperson.
      • Training for 'SDS Managers' is available through EH&S
    • SDSs are accessible to all AU employees via the EH&S page on the My Alfred website. Use this direct link to the safety data sheets
      • SDS hard copies must be available in areas without computer access
  • See Part II SDS procedures Provisions that Shall Apply to Chemical Substances Developed in the Laboratory

Chemical substances developed in the laboratory are properly labeled and stored with SDSs developed and managed as detailed in the Part II Hazard Identification Labeling, Chemical Substances Developed in the Laboratory, Safety Data Sheets sections of this CHP. Record keeping

Alfred University shall establish and maintain for each employee an accurate record of any measurements taken to monitor employee exposures and any medical consultation and examinations including tests or written opinions. AU shall assure that such records are kept, transferred, and made available to the employee. Appropriate confidentiality will be maintained.

All training records, including Training Form Appendix H, must be retained; labs/departments/divisions should maintain a notebook or file for site-specific training records. Ensure a copy of all completed site-specific training forms are available upon request. Emergency Response

To call for emergency assistance:
Using a campus phone dial 911 then 607-871-2108 AU Public Safety or 607-871-2190 EH&S
Using a cell phone dial 911 then 607-871-2108 Public Safety or 607-871-2190 EH&S

  • For campus emergencies, follow the emergency procedures printed on the outside of the AU Emergency Response Information Folder. Each AU employee has received this orange folder. An Emergency Response Activation Flowchart and list of Evacuation Assembly Areas are found inside the Folder. This list indicates the closest exit to use for evacuation and the specific outside area for assembly for a given location within each building. The list is also found on the EH&S website under Programs, Policies, Manuals.
    • The Building Contact and Safety Monitor (BC/SM), appointed for each campus building by EH&S, assists with administering emergency drills and is in charge during the drill. List of BC/SMs found on the EH&S website under Programs, Policies, Manuals.
    • All building occupants must exit the building IMMEDIATELY upon the sounding of the fire alarm or as instructed to do so by the BC/SM. Disciplinary action will result for noncompliance of evacuation.
      • The LSF/PI must be the last to leave the lab or area, ensuring all occupants have evacuated, closing the door behind him/her.
    • All building occupants must report to the designated assemble area and remain there until accounted for by the BC/SM. They may then leave when discharged by the BC/SM or official emergency personnel.
    • During an actual emergency evacuation the BCP/SM
      • Transfers pertinent information to official emergency personnel ( authority on scene)
      • Ensures no one re-enters the evacuated area
      • Takes attendance of evacuees in assembly area
      • Releases evacuees from the assembly area, if or when appropriate
    • For laboratory emergency situations including but not limited to explosion, fire or chemical spills requiring assistance also see Part II of this CHP for Emergency procedures.
      • The LSF/PI must ensure that lab employees know the location and/or proper use of:
        • Emergency notification systems, telephones,
        • First-aid kits, HF first aid kits
        • Chemical spill-kits, HF spill kits
        • Emergency safety shower/eyewashes,
        • Emergency shutdown procedures, exits and evacuation routes,
        • CHP w/ site-specific SOPs,
        • SDSs
    • Emergency Numbers and Exit Route Appendix Z is offered as a convenience for posting in labs and next to emergency phones. Waste Management

All waste generated by Alfred University must be managed in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. In general, only waste substances listed on the Allegany County Landfill Disposal List and AU Wastewater Discharges to Village of Alfred Sanitary Sewer System Disposal List are allowed to be disposed of in the trash or into the sanitary sewer drain. Refer to the AU Hazardous Waste Guide, AU Used Electronics Policy, AU Universal Waste Policy, Regulated Medical Waste Policy and Procedures, Allegany County Landfill Disposal List and AU Wastewater Discharges to Village of Alfred Sanitary Sewer System Disposal List available at EH&S room 117 Myers Hall. Access posted policies at EH&S.