
Below are required web standards for elements of a website.

Logo and Visual Elements

  • Alfred University webpages must adhere to the visual identity standards identified in the official Alfred University Brand Style Guide.
  • All media (images, video and audio) must be submitted in original format to the Web Request Form for consideration of placement on webpages.
  • If you are using an administrative section for or blog that allows you to upload images, you must follow the "Optimizing Images" documentation that is provided during training.


  • Official name: Our official name is Alfred University and that is how it should appear the first time it is mentioned in all documents, including webpages. On subsequent references in the same document or on the same webpage, the university or AU may be used.
  • Oversight: The dean, department or organization head is ultimately responsible for the content of their area's official AU site.
  • Updates: The University uses a content management system (Cascade CMS) to make it easier for designated individuals throughout the campus to make updates to their webpages. Units should contact the Web Team via email at [email protected] for Cascade CMS training. Upon successful completion of training, individuals are authorized to update unit webpages.
  • Large scale website projects are to be done in consultation with the WAG and Web Team.
  • Regulation: The University reserves the right to regulate access and content on its website. It may also delete links to external sites with outdated content or in response to complaints involving legal issues.


All documents accessed from a webpage must be in 100% ADA compliant/accessible PDF format and open in a new window. Learn more about accessibility below.

Unless a document is absolutely necessary to print out or sign, adding content in form of a PDF document is not recommended. Content would be easier to find and read if it was made into a webpage instead.

Web Accessibility

All pages should be accessible to the disabled, for whom graphical or multi-media elements may be unreadable. All University webpages should follow WCAG 2.1, Level AA and the Web Accessibility Initiative Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accessibility as recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Accessibility Barriers


Pages must function and display properly in the last 3 versions of the following browsers:
Edge, Chrome and Firefox for Windows, and Safari, Chrome and Firefox for Macintosh.

Privacy and Security

In order to reduce the risk of privacy invasion, it is wise to eliminate personal information you do not wish to share with others from your webpages. Examples include personal (as opposed to departmental) phone numbers, addresses and "uncloaked" email addresses.

Alfred University does not collect or store sensitive data on its servers. Directory information is the only kind of information that can be collected or displayed on webpages or forms. Directory information is information such as name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors, awards and dates of attendance, etc.

Alfred University computer users can expect reasonable confidentiality in the messages they receive and the files they create. While the university does not routinely monitor an individual's computer use, routinely examine files or review any content on webpages accessible through the university's website, the university is responsible for responding to alleged abuses and has the right to investigate suspected offenses, to suspend or revoke computing privileges and to remove or deny access to any content it deems objectionable or illegal.