Sexual Assault Care

If you or a friend experiences sexual assault or any form of sexual misconduct, we encourage you to tell someone about it and seek help. You have choices about where you disclose information and what services you want to access. The staff at AU Counseling Services can help you with these decisions and support you throughout the process.

The first step to recovery from sexual assault is to talk to someone about how to get help. To protect your health and well-being, you are encouraged to also seek immediate medical attention, even if you believe you have no injuries.

At Alfred University, we recognize that sexual assault can occur in all types of relationships and we will not discriminate when providing services for victims and survivors.

Getting Help at AU

AU Public Safety Call: 607-871-2108

AU Health Service Confidential (during office hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday) Call: 607-871-2400

  • Provides emergency contraception (EC) up to 72 hours after the incident. Medication is most effective when taken as soon as possible after the incident
  • Provides screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Provides confidential HIV testing and counseling

AU Counseling Service Confidential, Call: 607-871-2400

  • An emergency on-call counselor is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for after-hours or weekend help when the university is in session. If after hours, please call Public Safety at 607-871-2108 and ask for the on-call counselor to be contacted. A professional staff member from Counseling Services will meet with you right away when you request an emergency appointment. You can walk into our office on Park Street, in the brick Wellness Center during office hours. We can also meet you anywhere on campus.
  • Counseling Services will provide:
    • Free and confidential services for all Alfred University students at no cost
    • Crisis counseling and personal counseling throughout the process of recovery
    • Accompaniment and support if the victim chooses to file charges or make a statement
    • Accompaniment and support if the victim choose to have a medical examination or an evidence collection process at a local hospital
    • Support and information about using the AU Conduct System to make a complaint of a violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy
    • Assistance in accessing other services

Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

  • An exam to address any injuries

Seeking medical attention allows you to have evidence collected. Having evidence collected within 72 hours preserves your right to decide at a later date whether you wish to go forward with the University’s judicial process or with the criminal justice system.

  • Evidence collection is available at Jones Memorial Hospital in Wellsville
    • To preserve biological evidence, do not change clothes, bathe, shower, brush your hair or teeth, or apply medication or cosmetics prior to a medical exam
    • If you go to the hospital in the clothes you wore during the assault, bring other clothes to change into. Your clothes will be kept as evidence
    • If you have changed your clothes, take the ones worn during the assault to the hospital in a paper bag for evidence collection
    • You may want a friend to accompany you to the Emergency Department
    • A counselor from Cattaraugus Community Action’s Victim Services (888-945-3970) is available to meet you at the Emergency Department to offer support
  • Emergency Contraception (EC) for pregnancy prevention. For information about EC and how it can be found visit the Planned Parenthood website.

Emergency Contraception is available at the Wellness Center Health Services for a discounted student price.

EC is also available at some pharmacies without a prescription for those 18 year or older. In Hornell, EC is available at Wal-Mart, Rite Aid and Wegman’s Pharmacy. The Alfred Pharmacy does not provide EC.

Third Step: Deciding about Making a Statement and Staying Safe

Choosing to report does not require that a criminal or judicial proceeding be completed Anonymous reports allow us to be aware of offenses that may be occurring on campus. Contact Counseling Services at 607-871-2400 for help in submitting an anonymous report.

At AU, the following offices can help:

AU Public Safety Call: 607-871-2108

  • Safety concerns: Call for help if you feel threatened or are being harassed
  • Support: Public Safety can contact the Counselor On-Call after hours for you
  • Provide Escorts: To accompany you on campus
  • Campus Keep-Away Sanctions: If the assailant is an AU student, Public Safety and the Dean of Student Experience can utilize campus sanctions to keep persons apart
  • Campus Trespass: If the assailant is not a member of the AU community, notification to keep off campus can be given
  • Access to local law enforcement: For help with making a statement or seeking a protective order

AU Conduct System and the Dean of Student Experience Call: 607-871-2132

You may decide to make a sexual misconduct report to the Dean of Student Experience. If you do this, it does not mean that you must then make a criminal complaint to the police. Filing a sexual misconduct report with the Dean of Student Experience merely documents that an incident occurred at AU or involved a student at AU.

You may choose to make a complaint of violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy at AU if you are interested in pressing a complaint against an AU student.

The Dean of Student Experience's office is located in the 2nd floor of the Powell Campus Center.

We encourage you to meet with an AU Counseling Services counselor prior to meeting with the Dean to help in exploring this option. If you wish, a counselor can accompany you to your meeting with the Dean. AU Counseling Services Call 607-871-2300

Off-Campus Resources

For Local Police and Emergency Services, call 911.

The Alfred Police Department is located at 7 West University Street in Alfred. The APD can be reached in non-emergency situations by dialing 607-587-8877.

Planned Parenthood of the Southern Finger Lakes, 607-324-1124, or visit the Planned Parenthood website for more information and fill the search field with the zip code 14802 and NY State.

Cattaraugus Community Action Victim Services Division, 1-888-945-3970

SUNY Sexual Assault and Violence Response infographic

SUNY Sexual Assault & Violence Response Website