JazzHR User Guide

What is it?

JazzHR is a recruiting software that helps streamline the entire recruiting process through Candidate Sourcing, AU Branding, Interviews and Assessments, Compliance and Reporting, and allowing Collaborative Hiring with everyone involved in the hiring process.

Job Postings through JazzHR

Once you are added by Human Resources to JazzHR, you will receive an email prompting you to set up your account. After this, you can access the JazzHR website. Human Resources will still post new job openings, and you can choose who you want involved in each of your searches. When applying, candidates will answer mandatory personal data questions such as email, address, education, etc. They will also automatically be asked to answer the anonymous EEO Compliant questions, and will use a CAPTCHA test to prevent computer-generated applicants.

An exciting Feature of JazzHR is the ability to have Knock-Out Questions. These are questions that applicants will be asked when applying, that can trigger a delayed automatic rejection email if they do not meet your qualifications. A Questionnaire can be added to a Job Positing for any additional, personalized Knock Out question you may have.

Depiction of profile question form

For Access to JazzHR

Contact Tamara Green or phone 607-871-2965

Introduction to the Basics of JazzHR

  1. Your Dashboard will have information on any jobs, tasks, or interviews assigned to you
    JazzHR Dashboard with an arrow pointing to 'dashboard'
    • My Open Jobs - Any active job searches that you are assigned to will show up here. You will be able to see the Total amount of people who have applied, the number of New candidates whose profiles have not been viewed yet, all Active candidates (not denied), and the final Hired candidate
    • My Interviews - JazzHR allows you to schedule interviews with selected candidate through each person’s profile. These will appear here
    • My Watch List - Assign applicants to your Watch List to have top candidates in one place and for quicker access to their profile
    • My Inbox - Communicate through email directly through the site, and check your inbox here. All email through JazzHR will send a notice to your Alfred email
    • My Tasks - Assign tasks to individuals in the Hiring Team such as reviewing resumes, scheduling interviews, contacting candidates, and any other necessary steps in the hiring process
  2. Use the Jobs tab to view all the jobs you have been added to, including finished jobs searches
    JazzHR dashboard with an arrow pointing at 'jobs'
    • From the jobs tab, you can view our Career Page which shows all open positions across the University
  3. The Candidates tab allows you to view all candidates that have applied for one of your jobs. You can search for a candidate by name, number or email, or filter candidates by Job or Status (New, Active, Hired, Not hired, Discarded)
    JazzHR dashboard with arrow pointing at 'candidates'
    • Each candidate has an individual profile, where you can view all their information including their resume, cover letter, emails sent and received from the candidate, any tasks or interviews with the candidate, and more
    employee profile example
    • From the candidate’s profile, you can use the green ADVANCE button to move the applicant to different stages in the Work Flow; New, Resume Review, Phone/Skype Interview, Campus Interview, Consider, Hired as Full or Part Time, and Not Hired
    • Candidates can be moved to any of the stages at any phase in the search. When they are placed in a new phase, a person on the hiring team can be assigned a task that goes along with that phase.
    option menu with 'offer' highlighted
  4. Automatic Responses to Applicants will allow more timely responses and create better communication with potential candidates
    • Receipt of Resume - Applicants will receive an automatic reply after applying for each position
    • Phone/Campus Interviews - Once candidates are moved to these phases, it will trigger a team member to use the Interview Email Templates to set up the interviews
    • Not Hired - Moving a candidate to this phase will trigger a team member to send one of two emails: Rejection Email or Rejection after Interview Email. It is recommended to schedule the email to send in 3 days

How to Navigate Through the Candidate Experience

How to Reject a Candidate:

  1. Visit your Dashboard
  2. Click on the job for which you want to reject the candidate
  3. Candidates will be displayed, click on the candidate you wish to reject
  4. Click the red reject button

    employee profile with 'reject' circled
    • When you click reject a drop-down will appear, select Not Hired, then a pop-up will appear that will allow you to send the rejection email. You will select either the first or second email template depending on where the candidate is in the hiring process. It is recommended to schedule the email to send in three (3) days.

    menu showing options when rejecting a candidate

Please note that any time during this process you can repeat these same steps and move candidates to a rejected status.

How to move a candidate forward:

  1. Visit your Dashboard
  2. Click on the job for which you want to move the candidate to the next step
  3. Candidates will be displayed, click on the candidate you wish to move forward
  4. Select the green advance button

    employee profile with 'advance' button circled
  5. After you have selected advance a drop-down will appear where you have many options, please select the option most appropriate for your scenario. Please note that at any time during the process, you can repeat these same steps and advance candidates forward to the next step.

    option menu highlighting 'offer' button

Moving Applicants to Resume Review:

  1. Once you click advance you have the option to click resume review. Once you click on resume review you have the option to assign tasks to your team members who will be reviewing resumes with you.

    Resume review content section
  2. Next to recipients select the box and your team members will appear, select all who should be notified of this next step. Set a due date of when you would like this task done and any relevant notes.
  3. Once you have completed that step your hiring team will be notified via email that they have tasks to complete.

Moving your candidate to Phone/Skype Interview:

  1. Once you click advance you have the option to click Phone/Skype Interview. Once you click on phone/Skype interview you will assign the task to yourself with a date.

    Phone and Skype interview menu showing options
  2. After that you will follow the instructions as they are listed in the notes to contact the candidate through the JazzHR portal to schedule an interview with them:
    • Click on candidate profile
    • Select Emails at top
    • Click the green NEW EMAIL button
    • Select choose template in right-hand corner
    • Choose either the Phone or Skype Interview template
    • Edit template for appropriate days/times
    • Fill in how long the interview is expected to take
    • Sign with your name as the hiring manager
    • Click send
  3. On the emails tab under each candidate you can track all emails that are sent and received. If a candidate responds to your email, you will get an alert to your Alfred email and also your dashboard with JazzHR.

Moving a candidate to Consider:

  • This is simply a step that allows you to track where the candidates stand in the hiring process after interviews. This does not send an automated email. This is purely for tracking purposes so you know the candidates that you are considering hiring after interviews.

Moving a candidate to Personnel Action Form:

  • This is a step that allows you to know who you are extending the offer to for this position. You should complete the Personnel Action Form (PAF) form and submit for signature approvals.
  • Once the PAF has been received, HR will draft the offer letter as per normal procedures and send the new hire paperwork.
  • Once the signed offer letter is back the candidate should be moved to a Hired Disposition in JazzHR.
  • Under the “Discussion” tab on the hired candidate’s profile, write a brief justification of the decision to hire this individual over the other applicants that were considered.

  • All the candidates that were interviewed and were not hired will need to receive a rejection email. You will visit their candidate profile and select the “Not Hired Disposition” in JazzHR this will prompt you to send “Rejection Email after Interview” to the candidate.

    Not hired menu with options