Working Off Campus Policy

Guidelines for Non-Exempt Employees Working Off Campus

Scope: All Non-Exempt Alfred University Employees

To assure compliance with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) CFR29 § 516.2(7); Alfred University’s policy prohibits employees who are not exempt from the overtime premium requirements (those who are paid by the hour) from working off campus except for specifically authorized business trips or when authorized to do so during a declared emergency situation. This includes, but is not limited to, answering University e-mails while on vacation, home sick, or on off-duty hours; taking work home and/or working “off-the-clock” for any reason. Accurate time records are a requirement of both the University and the FLSA. Time records are a legal document which must be accurate and complete.


Policy#: G-4
Original Effective Date: 1/27/2012
Revision#: 01
Revision Date: 2/1/12