Student Employees: Entering Hours Worked via BannerWeb

Below are useful links to understanding and using the Banner timesheet system.

How to Access Your Time Sheet

  • Go to BannerWeb.
  • You will now be at the “Alfred University” page, click Enter Secure Area.
  • Enter your User ID and PIN. Your USER ID is your Banner 9-digit number that begins with A or you may enter your Social Security number. The first time you Login, your PIN will be your date of birth in MMDDYY format (i.e. someone born on September 5, 1958 would enter 090558), click Login or enter. If initial entry, you will be asked to enter a new PIN and you may be asked to provide a simple question and answer which will be used in case you forget your PIN.
  • This will bring you to the “Main Menu”; click on Employee either using the tab at top or on the list. Click on Time Sheet; “Time Reporting Selection” page appears. Click on Access my Time Sheet, then select.
  • Your current (and/or previous) job(s) are listed on the screen. All Work Study positions begin with WS, Non-Work Study with NW, and Grad positions with GR or GE. Summer positions always start with an S. If you happen to have two (2) current positions, use radio button to select the job you want to enter hours for. Timesheet periods show on the right and are followed by the following possible status codes:
    • Not Started: timesheet has not yet been accessed
    • In Progress: timesheet has been opened and/or hours entered
    • Pending: timesheet has been submitted, but not yet approved by supervisor
    • Approved: supervisor has approved and submitted to payroll
    • Return for Correction: supervisor has returned to you for correction & resubmission
    • Error: timesheet was submitted with 0 hours
    • Completed: timesheet has been processed in payroll
  • A history of the pay-periods exist under “Pay Period and Status”; use the drop-down box to select the pay period you want to enter time for.

How to Record Hours Worked

  • Click Time Sheet; “Time and Leave Reporting” page appears.
  • To record hours worked, click Enter Hours link under the date that you wish to enter hours; the in-and-out screen appears. (Banner only displays one week of the pay period at a time, to view the second week, select Next).
  • Enter time of day started and stopped work, using AM/PM indicator. Several lines are available to record when you left and returned to work on the same day. If you are not required to enter time-in/time-out (receive a stipend), when you click Enter Hours, an empty box appears above the timesheet to enter hours worked for that day. Enter hours and click Save or Next Day to move to the next day of the timesheet. The following navigation buttons are available on this page:
    • Time sheet returns you to the display of the whole timesheet.
    • Next day button moves you to the next successive day of the week.
    • Add new line if you use all the lines for one day and need to enter more times.
    • Save saves information.
    • Copy if you work the same hours on another day, click this and the copy page appears. You can use check boxes to apply the same hours to the whole week (eliminate weekends if applicable) or manually check the other days you worked the same hours. Use Copy button again to submit copy function.
    • Use Previous Menu or Timesheet button to move out of page.
  • When you are finished entering your hours, click Preview to double-check your work. Click Previous Menu to return to your time sheet if you need to make any changes. Use the following navigation options if necessary:
    • Position Selection if you have more than one job and need to access another timesheet.
    • Comments allow you to submit comments for your supervisor to view.
    • Preview to review the pay-period hours entered.
    • Restart if you want to delete all entries and start over.
    • Next will bring up the second week of the pay-period for access.
  • You will Submit for Approval only when you have worked all the hours in the pay period. To exit timesheet after entering hours, click Exit on the top of the screen.
  • At the end of the pay period, when all entries have been made, click Submit for Approval to forward your time sheet for approval. Enter your PIN and click Submit.

Important Information

We strongly suggest that your enter you time worked on a daily basis and submit your timesheets as soon as you have completed your scheduled hours in a pay period to ensure timely processing.

Your hours can only be edited and/or changed within the current pay period. Make sure your hours are correct before you submit your time sheet.

If you find that you have submitted a timesheet in error, use the Return Time button. This will return the timesheet to ‘in progress’ status and allow you to make changes and then re-submit. Even if your approver has approved an inaccurate timesheet, they can use the same Return Time functionality to change the status back to ‘pending’ so a correction can be made.

Never submit a timesheet with 0 hours, doing this results in an error status which makes your timesheet unable to be processed.

You are responsible for verifying that your time sheet has been approved. It is imperative that you confirm that your timesheet has been successfully approved and follow through with your supervisor/approver if it has not. If your timesheet is not approved in time, the hours will not roll over to be paid the next pay period. A paper timesheet must be completed by you and your approver will have to personally submit the paper timesheet to the payroll office. You cannot submit a paper timesheet yourself; paper timesheets will only be accepted directly from the supervisor. Doing your timesheets online and on time is the best way to keep your history intact and prevent manual processes for all those involved.

Click comments to communicate with your supervisor/approver. After making remarks, click Save and Previous Menu to return to time sheet.

We have created an automated email on the days of the week preceding the deadline for approval to help remind you to do your timesheet. Even if you have submitted, check to make sure of the status of the timesheet since your approver may have returned it to you and it is waiting for a correction to be resubmitted.