Cell Phone Settings for Email

The options and settings you will need to setup your Alfred Email on Android or Apple phone can be found below.

Alfred University ITS supports and strongly recommends utilizing the Microsoft Outlook App for all users as it is the most easily supported and accessible application. Outlook is universally supported across all devices.

The easiest, most supported and accessible way to access your alfred email and get notifications on your mobile phone is to install the Microsoft Outlook app.

  1. Go to the App Store
  2. Search for "Microsoft Outlook" or
    Get Outlook on Apple Store (iPhone) or Get Outlook on Google Play Store (Android)
  3. Install the Microsoft Outlook app
  4. Open the app after installing
  5. Sign in with your alfred email address ([email protected]) and password.


If you have only just recently activated your AU account, please note that it can take up to 24 hours after account activation for you to be able to sign into all of Alfred's resources. 

If you can't sign in right after activating your account, please wait 24 hours, and then try signing in again.