AU's Video Conferencing Policy

Information Technology Services is pleased to provide video conferencing resources to the campus community. ITS supports Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Users may host meetings on either platform, using their AU accounts. Users needing assistance over the phone should contact the ITS Helpdesk.

The guidelines below should be followed for Zoom/ Teams meetings:

  • Meetings should be hosted using the account of the meeting organizer.
  • Begin the meeting at least 5-10 minutes before the start time to make sure all components are functioning (audio/ video/ screen sharing).
  • If hosting in an unfamiliar location, arrive early and make sure all equipment is connected.
  • Make sure Zoom is up to date on the computer that will be used during the meeting.
  • If you require training for using Zoom, Teams, or related equipment, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at least 1 week in advance.

Special Events with a Virtual Component

If you require ITS assistance or training prior to a special event with a virtual component, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at least 1 week prior to the date of the event. Events with a virtual component require extensive planning across divisions, and this lead time is necessary to ensure success. 

Special Events with a virtual component include:

  • Admissions events
  • Student orientation events
  • Commencement Celebrations
  • Special Guest Speakers
  • Meetings or events involving the Board of Trustees

Routine/ General Meetings

For the following types of events/ meetings, ITS support (during the meeting) should not be expected.  Training is available ahead of time, as is troubleshooting from the ITS Helpdesk:

  • Job interviews
  • Divisional meetings
  • Faculty meetings
  • Organization meetings (ATS Council, Support Staff Council, Faculty Senate, etc.)
  • Personal meetings

Please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 607-871-2222 or [email protected] for the following:

  • Training on Zoom or Teams
  • Troubleshooting
  • Assistance Request for Special Events


The AU host/ user can’t hear the participant(s) on the other end of the meeting.

Cause: The incorrect speaker chosen in the host/ user’s Zoom audio settings.


  1. In Zoom, click the arrow on the audio button (microphone icon in lower left-hand corner)
  2. Select the desired speaker

Meeting participants can’t hear the AU host.

Cause:  The host’s mic is muted OR the incorrect microphone is chosen in the Zoom audio settings.


  1. Click Zoom audio icon (microphone icon in lower left-hand corner) to unmute
  2. If unmuted (and there is still no sound) click the upward audio arrow (microphone icon)
  3. Select the desired microphone

Screen sharing – The screen is shared, but the sharer changes their screen and users cannot see the current screen.

Cause:  The entire screen is not selected for sharing.


  1. Stop sharing
  2. Click “share screen”
  3. In the sharing window, select “entire screen”

Screen sharing with sound – There is no sound from shared media (YouTube videos, etc.).

 Cause:  Sound is not shared along with the screen.


  1. Stop sharing
  2. Click “share screen”
  3. In the sharing window, click “share sound”

There is an echo or feedback in the room.

Cause:  Someone else in the physical room is also on the Zoom call and is not muted. One person in the room should have their microphone on; all others should be muted.


  1. Click the Participant button
  2. Click “Mute All”